
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pullet Eggs and the Rooster

We have eleven chickens.  Within that mix are three hens, seven pullets, and one rooster named Al Capone.  For those unfamiliar with chicken terminology, the word pullet is generally used to indicate a female chicken less than a year old.  Most chickens, depending on the breed, begin laying eggs somewhere between sixteen and twenty-four weeks of age.  

Some of our pullets looking very curious for the camera

Pullet eggs usually start out small and gradually gain in size during the following weeks.  I love collecting pullet eggs.  While I'm used to the size, shape, and color of the eggs laid by my hens, the pullet eggs often offer up surprises.  As the pullet continues to lay, the eggs may change shape or even alter the shade of their color.  These eggs will eventually reach normal size and even out in their appearance as the chicken grows larger and its reproductive cycle becomes more consistent.  In the meantime, I think it's fun to see what's out there each day.  We are still waiting on four of our pullets to begin laying, and I can't wait to see what the eggs look like when they do.  One note on baking with pullet eggs...I generally use two pullet eggs for every large egg called for in a recipe.  

 (Above) Smaller pullet egg on left, egg from older hen on right 


(Above) Pullet egg on right, normal sized egg on left
Our hens and pullets all lay brown eggs, but they are in varying shades of brown.  It's interesting to note that we can often tell whose egg we are eating by its shape and color before it's cracked open.  One of our hens lays eggs that are long and pointy like a torpedo while another lays small round eggs.  

A mixture of eggs in various sizes
Since we're on the subject of chickens, our rooster is coming into his own.  He is getting more confident in his mating abilities and enjoys exercising those abilities primarily in the morning and evening.  I am keeping a close eye on him and his behaviors with the girls as I want to make sure he is not hurting them.  As of right now, he is being a gentleman.  He alerts when there is danger or perceived danger (like the lawn mower), he makes sure the girls get their share of the food, and he generally keeps order in the flock. While our chickens have always gotten along well without a rooster, I have noticed that there is less pecking and puffing of the feathers with this latest batch.  They get along and don't try to assert their dominance over one another since he is there and in charge.  If we begin seeing any signs of abuse, we will of course remove him from the flock and allow him to forage out on his own, but since we have so many predators around here (I saw a coyote in the backyard under the grape arbor just the other day), we'll allow him to remain in his current position as king of the flock until then.

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